This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Blog posts about johndada

Post- election violence in Kafanchan - the real people behind the headlines.

I received this email from John Dada - which tells the human stories of the post - election violence in Kafanchan and the need for on-going humanitarian support. " I am writing to thank you all for your phone calls and emails when you heard of the outbreak of post-election violence in Kafanchan. The violence was ferocious and widespread from the night of 19 th April. The Fantsuam Foundation compound was home for over 200 displaced persons, assisting them with basic shelter, food and clothing. Our Health Centre services were in high demand because the Kafanchan General Hospital was shut...

Meeting the financial needs of the Poor

John Dada Originally uploaded by Dadamac Community From: John Dada of Fantsuam Foundation : Date November 2010 11:15 Subject: Meeting the financial needs of poor people "One of our major partners, VSO Nigeria has asked us to submit comments on the ongoing DGID- World Bank consultations about how to strengthen the microfinance sector to meet the financial needs of poor people. The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and World Bank are finalising plans to set up a Microfinance Capacity Building Facility for Sub-Saharan Africa, known as MICFAC.

Dadamac Foundation and Dadamac Limited - the Connection

We have been asked to explain the relationship between Dadamac Foundation and Dadamac Limited. It is causing some confusion for people who think it must be like the relationship between, for instance, Ford and the Ford Foundation or Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (i.e step one: become a great commercial success; step two: share the resulting financial wealth through philanthropy). Dadamac is very different. We didn't start on the commercial side and then create the foundation. We started with our voluntary work and are now at the start of building our commercial operation (Dadamac Limited). We don't...
