This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Updates from Fantsuam

This Wednesday's  meeting took the form of a series of updates.

The hourly Skype meeting was made more challenging by the fact that the team experienced the typed messages being delayed. Despite this it was 'business as usual' and John Dada and the team members from Fantsuam Foundation - namely John I and Chollom - were able to give the UK members plenty of news from the previous week.

This week Chllom successfully sent #dadamac another photo via twitter. The photo shows the new repeater about to be put up on the College of Nursing roof. This should enhance and improve the vital service that Zittnett already provides to this rural ‘last mile connectivity’ community.

Attachab: John informed us that the work has continued apace, especially concerning the construction of the living quarters. However, the foundations needed to be upgraded, and that has now been done and the walls are currently being constructed. Bamboo from Abuja is to be used for the 2nd floor room of the new building at Attachab. John also told the team that they will be planting more trees, the seedlings have already been paid for and will be brought in along with the bamboos next week.

The much anticipated tractor is still held up in Government bureacracy.
Focus on improving the Irrigation of the plants continues. Fantsuam were hoping that the French Embassy might support their request for a solar powered pump for the irrigation, but sadly this idea has not been successful.

Community Health Communittees: John was pleased to be able to tell us that they had a a very good day of training about the management of a CHC. Nineteen communities were represented, and John and the team are eager to see how many of these will go on from this training to be viable and useful for their communities.

Pam confirmed that the Rising voices proposal had been successfully submitted.

John Irugua, who had attended the training from EU Inside meeting reported that what the Fantsuam staff “came back with is the concept needed for writing proposals for EU”

We also had an update about the photo Printing Project at FF which will shortly be included in the initiative list.

