This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Kafanchan Peace Market Initiative - Press release

BLOODY post-election violence in rural Kafanchan, Nigeria, has sadly resulted in hundreds of casualties and the senseless destruction of the area’s vital market.

With lives on the line and a humanitarian crisis gripping the region, a new initiative is being launched to salvage hope and lasting peace from this catastrophe.

This long-term vision, a joint enterprise involving John Dada of Nigeria’s Fantsuam Foundation and Pamela McLean of Dadamac UK, revolves around rebuilding the shattered market under the new title of the Kafanchan Peace Market.

It is hoped this will quickly revitalise the fragile local economy, restore reliable food supplies, create much-needed youth employment, and bring together the region’s Christian and Muslim communities as they unite to complete the project.

Working together as Dadamac, John and Pamela’s teams will, with the local network of civil societies, help organise and co-ordinate the local and global response. They will operate in conjunction with current and former VSOs, plus Fantsuam staff and friends.

Fantsuam Foundation is a non-religious and non-partisan organisation with an impressive history of delivering integrated health and education programmes on the ground in the Kafanchan region. Respected and trusted locally and with a proven infrastructure, it already has a track record for meeting its community’s diverse needs.

The current situation, however, presents an urgent short-term and medium-term humanitarian need. Friends of Fantsuam are therefore seeking immediate funds to provide:

  • Medical supplies
  • Food and water distribution or feeding stations
  • Temporary shelters and clothing
  • Mobile phone credits for use in sms/text messaging, which will enable the communication of positive information.
  • Funds to begin the consultative process with the local community to decide the shape and format of their new Kafanchan Peace Market.

You can make a donation here
Or to offer your services, support or expertise please email
