This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Plastic recycling & women entrepreneurs

This week's UK -Nigeria meeting centered around the current recycling waste plastic project. Fantsuam's engineer, Linus, had recently met the Dadamac UK Team in London and had explained the current situation and shared his hopes for the project on his return to Nigeria on the 20th October.
John Dada of Fantsam Foundation and Ron Denis of DEVTECH are currently finalising the last stages of this phase of this project funded by Comic Relief. The main issue that this project hopes to address is to find a way to recycle the plastic water sachets which are so problematic in the region. A full update will follow once this initial phase is completed.

John was also able to send us photos of the training of women entrepreneurs. I believe that the session is being held in Fantsuam's Knowledge Resource Centre.

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