This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Blog posts about Dadamac Community

Joining in with the dadamac community

The idea of is that is should be an "online home/office/clubroom/study-space/whatever-we-need" for the growing dadamac community (which welcomes newcomers). We started off by "preparing the reception area" i.e. the home page and such like (this area needs more work - fewer words, more pictures - but is well under way). Now we are ready to start graduallly inviting people in - probably people we already know to start with - simply because they already have shared interests and onging shared conversations. As the conversations develop other people, newcomers to dadamac, may decide to join in. At first we'll do...

Franz Nahrada and SSL workshop

Thank you Franz for sending me the information (including application form) about the workshop on "Streaming, Sharing and Learning (SSL) – The options for and the use of Interactive Digital Video over long distances in adult education". In your (personal) email you asked me to help you get the message out to the right people, and so I am replying to you through a dadamac open letter. This way it will be easy to share this with others now and later. Thank you for encouraging me to apply. I would appreciate the opportunity to do what the workshop offers and...

The community and the website

My reply to Vijay . Hi Vijay I am glad you feel you are getting a good idea of who we are and what we do. You explained what you have already learned about us through the website. I liked the way you expressed it, saying "the Dadamac community links up to the Fantsuam Foundation in a partnership that could open new vistas in collaboration and knowledge networks". Also I want to thank you for sticking with us despite the techie glitches and teething troubles we had when we started to try and introduce this idea of open letters. I...

Dadamac Foundation and Dadamac Limited - the Connection

We have been asked to explain the relationship between Dadamac Foundation and Dadamac Limited. It is causing some confusion for people who think it must be like the relationship between, for instance, Ford and the Ford Foundation or Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (i.e step one: become a great commercial success; step two: share the resulting financial wealth through philanthropy). Dadamac is very different. We didn't start on the commercial side and then create the foundation. We started with our voluntary work and are now at the start of building our commercial operation (Dadamac Limited). We don't...

Website Progress and Vision

Much of what Dadamac does (and has been doing) is scattered around the Internet. It will gradually connect up with the website: rather like activities in scattered annexes gradually moving into a new main building. Identity and Community Developing a website is a bit like decorating a room, or buying an outfit for a special occasion. It raises questions about identity, about how we see ourselves, what we want other people to recognise about us, and how we want to relate to those people.. Somethings just “are” Dadamac and some things just “aren't” - but what are those things and...
