This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Blog posts about Dadamac Learners

Pushing up Farm Productivity

Dear Pam, Here is an interesting piece on the role that pulses and oilseeds play in nutritional security. Though the article talks about the state of Indian agriculture, it has some interesting points on increasing agricultural productivity. In order to progress, the mindset with regard to the following two factors needs to change, says Dr Lux Lakshmanan, Director, California Agriculture Consulting Service. Factor no 1: It is not the farmer who makes the food: he is only a facilitator. Food is actually made by plants. Since plants do not talk, their needs are understood through research and experimentation. Factor no...

Visiting Fantsuam

Hi Vijay I'm delighted you are interested in visiting Africa. Somehow I had assumed that (as you live in India and you are interested in development) your main interest would be development in India. It is much easier for me to support you as a Dadamac Learner and have discussions with you, and send you items to read etc, if I only need to think of relevance to Africa, or world-wide (rather than wondering if there is any relevance to India).

Learning and resources

Hi Vijay I've been been thinking about my ongoing learning journey over the weekend, and wrote about the thinking behind Dadamac Learners Resources - including some for you I've also started to collect up some resources including two articles I saw today which may be of interest to you. I think this one has something of "the feel" of being involved in activities at Fantsuam (but I have only skim read the very beginning). Mechanics vs. motivation: The two faces of social innovation It seems to capture the energy and enthusiasm of doing things - and the desire people have...


Hi Vijay I enjoyed our online chat the other day. You suggested we should share it - but I protested that I had made too many typos. Now you have edited them out and sent it to me - so here it is for anyone to see. Andy suggested including it in our Open Letters. Later, if we get more conversations we can bring them together somewhere. I like the title you chose: The Strength of

Launching our discussion forum

We have launched our discussion forum. Now it will be easy for people to join in discussions here. Now can gradually become an active online space for the growing Dadamac community. To join in all you have to do is go to the discussion forum link choose the discussion topic that interests you and add any comments you like. You can reach the discussion forum link from any page; it is under the heading "get involved".

Hand Held Learning and Ago-Are, rural Nigeria.

Folabi (Fola) Sunday teaches in a primary school in rural Nigeria - a motor-cycle ride away from Ago-Are, in Oyo State. He is a Dadamac Self Directed Learner, who keeps in contact with the "connected community" through his phone, and joins in First Thursday chats whenever he can. Fola is currently learning more about ICT and solar energy from Ricardo and Graham (in the UK) and others in Minciu Sodas and Dadamac, through chats and emails. This post gives an introduction to Fola and his current concerns as discussed at the October First Thursday chat. He is working on a...

Moving in - Useful Links

I am looking at my email inbox and thinking what emails I should choose to reply to as I "move in" to my space here at As I look, I realise that I will probably be making reference to information published on the Internet within my replies. This means it would be helpful to have the relevant links easily to hand.

The community and the website

My reply to Vijay . Hi Vijay I am glad you feel you are getting a good idea of who we are and what we do. You explained what you have already learned about us through the website. I liked the way you expressed it, saying "the Dadamac community links up to the Fantsuam Foundation in a partnership that could open new vistas in collaboration and knowledge networks". Also I want to thank you for sticking with us despite the techie glitches and teething troubles we had when we started to try and introduce this idea of open letters. I...

Planning Dadamac Day

This week we had the first planning and practice meeting for Dadamac Day (DD). The DD team, Chollom and Alheri (in Nigeria) and Nikki and Pam (in UK), e-met through one of Dadamac's usual typed Skype conferences. Date, time and place. The date and time are agreed -Saturday November 7th 10:00 GMT, 11:00 Nigerian time, 13:00 East Africa Time.
