This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Overcoming the digital divide

A glitch with Skype meant that the Nigerian posts from this week’s UK-Nigeria team meeting were significantly delayed. However, as this is now an increasingly rare occurrence it gave us an opportunity to test previously relied upon communication channels. So, with a mixture of Skpe typed messages, sms, emails and Yahoo, here is this week’s update.

  • John reported that Comfort is in Abuja for a meeting with the World Bank pertaining to the rice business development service project which they had previously supported in June.
  • Fantsuam Foundation is expect to host a team from the Minnesota Renewable Energy from January 15th 2012 for training and solar installation at for the paediatric ward of Kafanchan Hospital.
  • John and Pam had both made contact with Fola at Dadamac’s outpost in Ago-Are.
    The photo above, from Fola, shows the Life Fountain School, Nigeria where Fola reports he will be teaching pupils computer and internet usage next term.
  • Fola has been able to add more photos to the Dadamac’s community Flickr
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