This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Future Planning at Fantsuam

This week’s UK-Nigeria meeting was a chance for Emmanuel Waje (Emma), to give us an update about the clinic at Fantsuam. Emma explained that he would be leaving the following day to go to the American Embassy in Abuja in order to collect the first 50% of the grant which will allow a clinic extension to be built. He explained that there was an urgent need for a new delivery room.

It is believed by the Fantsuam staff that the old hut discourages pregnant mothers from patronizing the clinic. The Clinic currently has four staff who work shifts on a 24/7 basis and all of them have received various training and as such are competent midwives. Emma commented that:

“The clinic is doing a great job cos they also provide free medical services to PCs, OVCs (Orphans and vulnerable children) and the Kakas. The Clinic is also the first port of call for sick persons within the community. Before the clinic was established people around the community had to trek [the] long distance to the General Hospital which was far away in town.”

In fact the general hospital that Emma mentions is in Kafanchan but he says that Bayan Loco's feeder roads are so bad that motorist avoid them.

John Dada had explained during a previous meeting that the clinic was also able to offer emergency care to children who suffering a sickle cell crisis.

John sent his apologies as he was unable to attend this week’s meeting personally but he did send an email which gave us the following additional information:

  • Attachab: Work on the water tower at Attachab has resumed after 2 weeks break. Fantsuam have just taken delivery of the galvanised poles needed for the construction of the tower.
  • Comfort and a new volunteer, Theresa, are in Ghana this week for a training on Action Research. The AR is aimed at improving Fantsuam’s documentation skills. John has identified FF generates so much useful data but they are looking to continue to improve their documenting skills. This ties in with the work that Lori, a VSO volunteer, who worked with FF on Organisational Development. Emma told us that the 1st meeting was in Cameroon, the 2nd was in Nigeria, and this current one held in Ghana is the 3rd.

Lastly, the team were given a stark reminder about the often forgotten longer lasting physical and mental effects of violence. Emma ( who had originally interviewed Ajala -a victim of the post election turmoil who has a bulletin his eye).

Emma informs us that:

“Ajala has returned to work, however he constantly uses dark shades, a habit which he confirmed he never liked. He consistently takes pills for pain relief, and he seems to have gotten use to his situation, so he always wears a smiling face as he's happy his still alive.”

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