This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

nikki's Blog

Talking Tractors!

The talk was of tractors at this Wednesday’s weekly online meeting between the UK-Nigeria team. The tractor for Attachab has been much anticipated.Dadamac in the UK first heard about its possible arrival a month or so ago and we were wondering what the delay was. However, we were shocked and disappointed to learn that Fantsuam had in fact been waiting patiently for two years. It appears that Government procedures are delaying the delivery of the tractor. The scheme is meant to provide a new subsidised tractor. Fantsuam needing to pay 40% and the Government to pay 60% of the cost...

Talking Tractors!

The talk was of tractors at this Wednesday’s weekly online meeting between the UK-Nigeria team. The tractor for Attachab has been much anticipated.Dadamac in the UK first heard about its possible arrival a month or so ago and we were wondering what the delay was. However, we were shocked and disappointed to learn that Fantsuam had in fact been waiting patiently for two years. It appears that Government procedures are delaying the delivery of the tractor. The scheme is meant to provide a new subsidised tractor. Fantsuam needing to pay 40% and the Government to pay 60% of the cost...

From hailstones to child protection

Skype delays tried to de-rail our weekly online meeting between rural Nigeria and the UK. However, one of the benefits of using typed skype messaging is that when there is a time lag the participants are able to write up their input for the various agenda items (which is emailed to us a few days before the meeting). The information is then eventually posted and can be read by everyone. The delays which were intermittent meant that the meeting overran by 40 mins but the format meant that those who needed to ‘leave’ on time could do so. The Meeting:...

Women and finance in rural Nigeria

During today's weekly online UK-Nigeria meeting we learned that Comfort was absent as she was being interviewed for the TV! John went on to explain that the local TV station of the Nigerian Television Authority wanted to interview her as she is a role model for entrepreneurship. It was agreed by the team that Frances would also 'interview' Comfort on her return and send us some details. Below is Frances' report. "Comfort returned today exhilarated from her TV interview about the challenges of being responsible for a family as well as following a career. The interview was supposed to take...

Eyewitness account of Sickle cell screening

Today Frances sent the UK her second eyewitness account of the Sickle Cell screening programme. The photo shows one of the earlier monthly meetings of the SC disease support group. Here Fant suam Foundation offers advice and support to this group. This meeting was held under the mango tree at the fish farm. I believe that the numbers are increasing each month and when I last asked - towards the end of 2010 - there were @ 100 people attending. " I went for 'my' second sickle cell screening exercise on Sunday, 20th February. Rather than being in a fairly...

Fantsuam News

The UK-Nigeria meeting enabled an hour of information exchange with the arrangement that more updates were to follow during the week. Attachab: John informed us that he is still waiting for the government to enable the delivery of the tractor. Furthermore, the arrival of the ‘Bamboo builders’ was delayed because of the need to find a convenient house for them near to Attachab. We were told that a house had been found and following some renovations should be available at end of the week. Reubens, the supervisor will arrive on Saturday, and the bamboo should arrive by Monday. The worrying...

Opening of the new HIV Building

The photo shows John Dada sitting in front of the two thatched round huts in the background that Frances mentions in her report below about the opening of the new HIV clinic which is now on this site "Karen Mehring from the American Embassy came to Fantsuam Foundation yesterday (17th February) to officially open the new clinic building which was built with financial support from one of the American Ambassador's small grants. On the site of the new clinic used to be a small round mud hut built in the traditional style with a low door way, a thatched roof...

Why the ESSPIN Project is so important

The following report by Demas Shinggu Project Officer was sent to me by Kelechi Micheals. Kelechi is the Programme Operations Manager at Fantsuam Foundation and is a core member of the UK-Nigeria Team who hold weekly online meetings. " Years of neglect have left Nigeria with poor quality public education. Many schools fail to provide even basic opportunities for learning. School buildings and facilities are inadequate. Teaching standards are low. Teachers receive inadequate training and have little motivation to improve. Management of education is weak and often ineffective, inefficient and top heavy. There is a desire for reform, but policies...

Sickle Cell Screening restarts in rural Nigeria!

This wonderful description about the latest sickle cell screening was given to us by Frances. Frances is a regular attendee of the UK-Nigeria Team meetings and has been a valuable supporter of Fantsuam Foundation from the very beginning. The photo on the right shows a previous screening which took place at Gwantu for 355 children in June 2010. " I did say [During the UK-Nigeria Team Meeting] that I would let you know about the sickle cell screening which took place on Tuesday. It took a while to get there and part way along the road had subsided . Fortunately...

Updates from Fantsuam

This Wednesday's meeting took the form of a series of updates. The hourly Skype meeting was made more challenging by the fact that the team experienced the typed messages being delayed. Despite this it was 'business as usual' and John Dada and the team members from Fantsuam Foundation - namely John I and Chollom - were able to give the UK members plenty of news from the previous week. This week Chllom successfully sent #dadamac another photo via twitter. The photo shows the new repeater about to be put up on the College of Nursing roof. This should enhance and...
