This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Pamela's Blog

Learner's diary 6 - collaborative learning

Two events this week have influenced my thinking about about emerging educational systems, also some discussions with Paul Horan of COTW and a post by Mike Gurstein. As I reflected on them I realised that, in my own current experience, it's not so much about "self-direct learning any more" it's more about collaborative learning - how, within a group, we can help each other to learn what it is that we "as a group" need to know. Education for Uncertain Futures - this event at RSA is best appreciated by following the link, which leads to recordings and a great...

Learner's diary part 5 - collaboration, co-operation, commons, connected communities

Collaboration, co-operation, commons, and connected communities seem to be the main, intermeshed themes of what I have reading and thinking. This is partly because I've been preparing my notes fo the connected communities symposium, connected communities symposium - It is also because of discussions about: Research Development Workshop - Design and Communities: Research Challenges, Opportunities and Innovation "As a part of the cross-Council Connected Communities Programme, the AHRC, working with RCUK partners (EPSRC, ESRC, NERC and MRC) and the Design Council, is organising a workshop to explore potential research agendas on Design, Cultures and Communities. " Which will be...

Learner's diary part 4 - economics and education.

On Monday I was back at LSE for " The Flaw ". I'm glad that I'm not limited by the straight jacket of accreditation, so I can let my studies take me in what ever direction seems appropriate. I'm interested in 21st century systems Many systems are interwoven Many systems are in transition Economic systems are in transition It's not surprising that ecomomics keeps cropping up in events that interest me and blogs that I read Response to "Shared Intent & Purpose for Action - Bridging the Gap between Micro & Macro - The next economic paradigm" Response to...

Identity in a post web world

My Dadamacadamy learner's diary–Part 3 On Thursday I attended a lecture - Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less From Each Other . One of the statements that stuck most firmly and chillingly in my mind was "I share therefore i am". It summarised Professor Sherry Turkle's observations about the way that some people need to keep sharing a stream of information about their actions and feelings. It was as if they needed the reassurance of "an audience" in order to make themselves "feel real". Her lecture covered many depressing and somewhat distressing obsevations about human relationships...

Dadamacadamy learner's diary–Pamela: May 2011

if you've read earlier episodes of the Dadamacadamy story then you'll know that I'm a Dadamac learner at the Dadamacadamy. There is no accreditation for Dadamac learners. Instead of accreditation there is the opportunity to develop a digital footprint that serves as evidence of learning - a kind of learning profile. Earlier episodes Dadamacadamy - Don't share an idea - show a prototype Dadamacadamy - dream or reality - an action research project Starting my learner's diary This blog is my first entry to my learner's diary, which contributes to my learning profile. My main area of study is “educational...

Dadamacadamy and etherpads - getting comfortable in our online spaces

I've been reflecting on the reality of the Dadamacadamy - and progress weve made recently using etherpads. We've been using them for various topics but I want to reflect more on the process of using them (and other onine spaces) rather than the content of our meetings. Etherpads I have only recently come across etherpads - thanks to my involvement with Coalition of the Willing. Coalition of the Willing (COTW) In COTW we use etherpads in parallel with a skype voice conference. In the Dadamacadamy it is simply not practical to include skype voice. We need to limit ourselves...

Turbulent times and a beautiful Spring day

I'm writing this out in the open on an idyllic English Spring day (warm, sunny, gentle breeze fragrant with lilac blossom, birdsong). By contrast, in my head and on my laptop, information is jostling about turbulent times for our friends in NIgeria. Post election violence and a peace initiative In Kafanchan post-election violence is causing death and destruction. Fires are burning. People have lost their homes and businesses. Some have fled into the bush,. Many have sought refuge with Fantsuam Foundation. The banks and local hospital closed. The fragile local economy is collapsing. The market has been burned to the...

Dadamacadamy–dream or reality–an action research project

My dream for the Dadamacadamy is that it will become a centre for research and learning. This is already starting to happen in a small way. The Dadamacadamy will not provide taught courses. It will do three interrelated things: Provide an environment for practice-based learning and reflection. Create a repository of knowledge. Make available its knowledge and networks through collaborative research and consultancy. Provide an environment for practice based learning and reflection. People who have shared concerns will cluster together in the Dadamacadamy to consider what they're doing, and to share what they are learning. The Dadamacadamy will enable peer-based...

Dadamacadamy–dream or reality–an action research project

My dream for the Dadamacadamy is that it will become a centre for research and learning. This is already starting to happen in a small way. The Dadamacadamy will not provide taught courses. It will do three interrelated things: Provide an environment for practice-based learning and reflection. Create a repository of knowledge. Make available its knowledge and networks through collaborative research and consultancy. Provide an environment for practice based learning and reflection. People who have shared concerns will cluster together in the Dadamacadamy to consider what they're doing, and to share what they are learning. The Dadamacadamy will enable peer-based...
