This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Pamela's Blog

New Year–New Approaches.

2011 and I'm experimenting with writing a blog for dadamac – about once a week. Last week started late at Dadamac because of the New Year holiday. Spring cleaning our admin I'm doing things slightly differently with our administration this year–so a bit of “spring cleaning” is underway. It'll take a few weeks to see how the new approach shapes up - Dadamac is constantly reshaping itself as different things emerge. I'm encouraged that “emergence” seemed to be one of the key words at ICTD 2010. Another keyword was “openness”– and I hope this weekly blog will contribute to Dadamac's...

Dadamac Digest - July 24th - August 10th

A quick catch up of what has been going on in the last couple of weeks - also published at Dadamac's Posterous (it's from my viewpoint so apologies for lots of paragraphs starting "I"). First Thursday Andrius had given me the software for the worknets chatroom but I have yet to find a server for it, so First Thursday has moved to Skype for now. The August session covered a lot, so I tried to share First Thursday August in some detail. First Thursdays are changing shape. For the first couple of years First Thursday was just "me at home...

Diary to June 3rd

Events Business Fights Poverty meeting June 2nd How can we better apply the results of impact measurement to drive improved business performance and greater development impact? Emails through posterous Great news about Barefoot Power: Continuing to explore overlapping intersts with Mike Gurnstein's Community Informatics Students:

Pam's diary - would it be a good idea?

Nikki's regular blog about our UK-Nigeria meetings is turning into a valuable archive for us. We don't have anythign similar for the UK side of things so I'll try this. It won't be reflective and analytical - more like bits taken directly from a desk diary - some dates and key activities, links to events I went to (plus bits copied and pasted), and a list of open letters I've written on Dadamac's Posterous. If it proves useful (to others or even just to me) then I'll keep doing it - if not I'll stop. I might add reflective notes...

Eight Weeks on Posterous

Over the last eight weeks I have been experimenting with Posterous - so now I am reflecting on the experience. Posterous can be used for blogging, but I already have a blog, so I wanted it for something different. I was attracted to it because it is so easy to use - as easy as an email. Midway between private and public My first entry said "I think it [Posterous] might help me with those emails that are "half private half public". I mean the ones where I start to write the email then realise that I need to add...

Dadamac Foundation and the Internet - update

Hi Elaine, Frances, Henry, John, Cicely, Marcus, Andy, and Nikki Some of you know each other, some of you don't - but you will have started to know each other a bit by the time you have finished reading this. I think you will all find it helpful to have a shared picture of where Dadamac Foundation is now, regarding its use of the Internet. I will not try to do detailed people-to-people introductions, because as we work together you will learn who people are and how they fit in. Nikki and I plan to feature different projects in turn...

Bridge building - academics and practitioners

Dear Ismael Thank you for your rapid response to my initial comment on your blog. I am glad that you know first hand the differences in the two cultures (ie of academics and of practitioners). I agree completely that “bridging these two realities (which they are) is usually not an easy thing to do”. If there are to be any bridges it seems we have to be active bridge builders. I feel that, like you, I am sometimes in one culture and sometimes in the other, and at present my journeys between the two realities have to be made without...

Solar training in India - could we connect?

Hi Vijay Thanks for the telling me about three women from Africa getting trained in making and installing solar lamps at a training course at the Barefoot College in Rajasthan I am trying to think what you already know about dadamac's current interests in solar power. I'll just mention a few things in case we have not discussed them before. Fantsuam Foundatin uses solar power at the main compound. It is not a very big solar panel, but it is very useful for Zittnet and means that the generator does not need to be turned on every time that the...

Feelings about faceboook and twitter

Hi Vijay I was interested to read your impressions of social media - and glad you enjoyed the twitter session. (All the teaching tips are in the Second Thursday twitter session achive . ) It was the first time we have tried anything quite like that - just a handful of us agreeing to meet onine to learn about something as specific as twitter ( Second Thursday twitter session invitation ). Do you still like Facebook? I joined Facebook because Chris Macrae often sent me information that I wanted to read - but increasingly he sent it through Facebook. For...

Dadamac's Posterous

I have just started to explore posterous - which describes itself as "the dead simple way to put anything online using email" and says "We're super excited to see what happens when blogging becomes as easy as email, and we hope you enjoy posterous as much as we do. Thanks for trying it." Posterous can be used in lots of ways. For myself, I simply hope to use it as a kind of in-between point - somewhere between blogging and sending personal emails. You can see what I mean by checking my first three posts there. They are, in reverse...
