This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.


Plastic Recycling Project Phase Two

The problem John Dada: "The safe disposal of plastic waste is a perennial problem that gets worse by the day, so we have to be committed to efforts to control it". The solution The idea is for a 3 month feasibility study which covers the following issues in preparation for setting up a pilot production unit: 1 Identify the density and nature of the waste. 2 Evaluate the specifications and market for plain tiles and the economics of production 3 Evaluate the demand for rain-water harvesting systems that could be produced from the tiles, potential market outlets and economics of...

Non - Violent Communication strategy for conflict resolution

Following the post election violence In April a medium sized NGO in Kafanchan (where it was considered to be safer in Jos) has been trying to address the sectarian problems. With the trust of large sections of both communities it has been practically offering positive interventions such as the Kafanchan peace market and the Feeding programme for the Muslim Street children. However it is already overstretched and despite its proven track record it has applied for various aid and submitted proposals with out much joy. Here is one of the interventions that they were asking people to support in November...

Non - Violent Communication strategy for conflict resolution

Following the post election violence In April a medium sized NGO in Kafanchan (where it was considered to be safer in Jos) has been trying to address the sectarian problems. With the trust of large sections of both communities it has been practically offering positive interventions such as the Kafanchan peace market and the Feeding programme for the Muslim Street children. However it is already overstretched and despite its proven track record it has applied for various aid and submitted proposals with out much joy. Here is one of the interventions that they were asking people to support in November...

Two weeks into November in the UK

November 15th - half way through the month. So what's happened so far? A quick skim through my diary shows:. Tuesdays 1st and 8th - First and second in Viany Gupta'' series on 'Futures we Deserve" at his Tuesday evening "Truth and Beauty" evenings at the Westminster Hub. Weds 2nd and 9th - regular UK-Nigeria meeings. Thurs 4th - First Thursday, combined with Dadamac Day (where I was helped by David Pinto). Initially I'd booked to go to "I'll Have What She's Having" at RSA but decided it might be a problem if Dadmac Day went on too long...

How are we doing at

When we started the site our first priorities included: raising the visibility of our work in Nigeria, demonstrating the effectiveness of our UK-Nigeria collaboration, finding out about using Drupal for Dadamac's information (both publicly visible information and also information hidden behind the scenes for internal use) setting up effective administrative structures developing an "online home" for the various activities of the dadamac community. We're happy (but not complacent) with what we've achieved regarding 1,2 ,3 and 4. We've made good progress and have created a useful body of evidence about our UK-Nigeria work. All kinds of things have emerged...

News from UK-Nigeria meeting

At this week’s UK-Nigeria online meeting John Dada was able to update us about the important work that he and Fantsuam Foundation are doing for the elderly woman in their community. Previously we had heard about the ongoing Kakas (grandmothers) programme and John had recently told us the Helpage International had asked FF to collect some of the "voices" of the Kakas to input into the UN Review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and its Political Declaration, MIPAA. Focus groups have now be organised so that we can listen to and learn from these Grandmothers. John...

Kafanchan Violence erupts again

Sadly I have just received this updated report from John Dada of Fantsuam Foundation (ten minutes ago). Earlier today John had alerted us to the trouble flaring up again in Kafanchan. The photo shows the old Kafanchan Market which was burnt down during the previous violence in April . In Kafanchan, there has been a scale down of military presence in recent weeks, an indication that the authorities think some normalcy has been restored. But last week Saturday there were reports of what appeared to be reprisal killing of women and children worshippers in a village church near Zonkwa. Then...

E-readers and rural Nigeria

This week’s weekly UK-Nigeria meeting resulted in an interesting discussion with John Dada and the team about primary education and ICT4D. Pamela McLean fed back to the team that Tim Unwin posted in ICT4D World Innovation Summit for Education The team is currently exploring WorldReader - an eLearning tool that introduces eBooks to school children. It is being piloted in Ghana, but not yet in Nigeria. Fantsuam Foundation together with Dadamac has started a dialogue with Worldreader which is in its very early stages. The Worldreader project is large scale and a challenge for us is to see what scale...

just sitting

I am sitting outside. No need to hurry. What lies ahead exists just here. Whatever you have zipped up in your bags, whatever you bring, I am sure is sufficient. I am just sitting here. I do not wish to forge ahead. As far as i can tell, we are not forging ahead into the future. It comes, like waves and tidal heaves, it comes. It is sufficient to be present to it, and should we feel playful, to catch some waves, Of course, we are the waves, we are the passing of time. So I am happy here, just...

Trying to prevent a famine

The second half of this week’s UK-Nigeria weekly online meeting took a slight departure from the norm as we invited Ray who, in his own words, explained that he has “ a 20 year commitment to supporting violence reduction work and agriculture/climate change work/famine prevention in West Africa”. This experience is of significant to John Dada and his team who are looking to develop an integrated plan that addresses the roots of the conflicts in Kafanchan and Jos. John is also currently seeking supports/funds for his latest intervention which is aimed at “Preparing for the Hunger Months in Kafanchan: aftermath...
